The expert partners of the RE sector

ADEME - Agency for Ecological Transition

A public establishment under the authority of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the
the French Agency for Ecological Transitionis committed to combating global warming and resource degradation. It supports all players in society in changing their business model.

EnerGaïa is the benchmark forum for renewable energies. Owing to its missions, ADEME is therefore a natural participant in this event, and has been since the first edition in 2006. As a partner of the Forum, ADEME is helping to build the conference program, and several of the Agency’s experts will be taking part in round-table discussions and workshops. ADEME will also be present at a stand (D78, located in Hall B2) to present its technical and financial assistance to companies and local authorities in the field of energy transition.

AD'OCC - Economic Development Agency of the Occitanie Region

As the Occitanie region’s economic development agency, AD’OCC places its expertise at the service of companies and communities, with a dual ambition: to increase the national and international appeal of the Occitanie region, and to create value and jobs in all its communities.
The agency structures and drives strategic business sectors in the Occitanie region those of the ecological transition, water, and renewable energies: hydrogen, floating offshore wind power, photovoltaic solar energy and biogas.

AD’OCC is taking part in EnerGaïa 2023 to help regional players in these sectors to position themselves upstream in the promising markets of the future, and to promote their influence in France and internationally; regional players who, on a daily basis, provide concrete solutions to the energy crisis in the housing, transport, industry and agriculture sectors “.

AREC - Regional Energy and Climate Agency

AREC is the Occitanie Region’s vehicle for accelerating the energy transition. It supports all players in the region – public authorities, economic players, project developers and citizens – as they put their ideas into action.
As a trusted third party serving the public interest, AREC is involved in the entire energy transition value chain, project emergence to their implementation and financing.
To this end, it provides a comprehensive range of services to help massify the development of renewable energies, while investing in innovative projects and sectors.


The Confederation of Building trades and Small Businesses, CAPEB, is the employer organisation representing building trades. Its missions are to promote, defend and represent. Independent of the public authorities, CAPEB has been pursuing its public interest activities since 1946. CAPEB Hérault works for its members by advising and informing them on a daily basis and representing them across the department. With its legal and financial independence, it conducts actions all year round aiming to promote building trades. The partnership with EnerGaïa illustrates the importance given to renewable energy, a major challenge that building contractors have a duty to address.


Created in 2009, Cemater is an association thatfederates energy transition professionals around collective, collaborative projects to boost the economic development of the sector in the Occitanie Pyrénées-Méditerranée region. Working alongside the region’s stakeholders, Cemater makes a concrete, ethical contribution to the challenges of a successful energy transition.

“As a long-standing partner of the event, Cemater actively supports the Forum Energaïa through the ever-increasing involvement of its members. In 2023, Cemater will be highlighting the importance of biodiversity in the implementation of renewable energy projects, as well as the charter of commitments drawn up to promote the development of agrivoltaics, a solution that represents a real vector for positive energy region targets in the region by 2030″.


The Hérault Chamber of Trades and Crafts is a public body whose mission is to represent the general interests of the craft industry in dealings with public authorities. The CMA de l’Hérault is a key player in the ecological transition of businesses. It is developing a specific sustainable development action program based on three pillars: energy, mobility and the circular economy. As part of the Rénov’Occitanie network, it supports companies in their energy renovation projects.

“After a successful show in 2022, the CMA de l’Hérault is keen to continue its partnership with EnerGaïa in 2023. It will have a stand in the Sustainable Building Pavilion, to promote its support services to professionals attending the exhibition.”

Envirobat Occitania

A network of players and a resource centre, Envirobat Occitanie is a regional association of professionals that contributes to reducing the environmental footprint of buildings and developments in Occitania. Its ambition is to mobilise and equip professionals to transform their practices and models.

Building comfortable, low-carbon living spaces by 2070 will depend on the extensive development of renewable energies in our region. With this in mind, Envirobat Occitanie has been a partner of EnerGaïa for many years, helping to build bridges between the worlds of building, development and renewable energies.”.

France Renouvelables

Founded in 1996,
France Renouvelables
represents, promotes and defends wind energy in France. France Renouvelables brings together more than 350 members, professionals in the field of renewable energies in France, and provides systemic solutions to accelerate the deployment of renewable energies and storage in France.

“Partner of the EnerGaïa event for several years, France Renouvelables wants to be at the heart of renewable energy players in France and Occitanie. As a key event in the industry, France Renouvelables regularly supports and participates in Energaïa.

DERBI pole

Dedicated to the energy transition, the DERBI competitive cluster’s mission is to develop innovation, training, technology transfer, business development and start-ups at regional, national and international level. With almost 200 members to date, the DERBI cluster brings together all the key players in the renewable energy sector: companies, laboratories, universities, training centres, professional federations, financial organisations and partner local authorities.

2023 is the year in which the law on accelerating the deployment of renewable energies in France is passed, and the cluster plays a major role in the emergence and marketing of innovative products and services in the sector. As a long-standing partner of the exhibition, the DERBI cluster sits on its steering committee and, for this 2023 edition, will be hosting 11 of the cluster’s member organisations in its 150 sqm pavilion at the heart of the show.”

Pôle emploi

Pôle emploi is a public body whose role is to support and advise companies on recruitment, and to welcome, inform, guide and support people seeking employment, training or career advice. Pôle emploi is responsible for prospecting the labour market and developing expertise in the changing nature of jobs and qualifications. It also pays benefits to jobseekers, on behalf of the body managing the unemployment insurance scheme and on behalf of the State.

“After its successful participation in 2022, Pôle emploi has decided to continue its partnership with the EnerGaïa trade show in 2023. For this year’s event, it will be running a joint stand with Cap emploi Hérault in the Employment/Training Pavilion, to exchange ideas with the companies present and advise them on their recruitment needs. A job dating event for positions based in the Hérault region is also being organized as part of the EnerGaïa trade show on December 13 and 14, for employers who have made their recruitment needs known in advance.

Pôle Mer Méditerranée

A key player in innovation in the maritime and coastal economy, with 500 members from a wide range of backgrounds (major groups, start-ups, SMEs, research centers and training organizations), the
Pôle Mer Méditerranée
is a gas pedal of business competitiveness and a powerful engine of growth in the maritime sector.

“Since 2009, Pôle Mer Méditerranée has asserted itself as an undisputed pioneer in the development of the floating offshore wind energy sector in the Mediterranean. Our ongoing commitment to the Energaia forum reflects our unwavering support for our member companies and our determination to accelerate the ecological transition. This year’s Energaia program addresses many of the issues at the heart of our action program (decarbonization, protecting biodiversity, using drones to serve the industry, etc.), so it’s only natural that we should strengthen our presence and partnership with EnerGaïa.”

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L’intégralité du Parc des Expositions répond aux normes d’accès pour les personnes à mobilités réduites (PMR).
Il est également possible de bénéficier d’un accès parking spécifique sur présentation de la carte d’invalidité.

Le Forum ouvrira ses portes les 8 et 9 décembre 2021, de 9h à 18 le mercredi et de 9h à 17h le jeudi

L’accès au Forum EnerGaïa est réservé aux professionnels. Gratuit, le badge est néanmoins obligatoire.

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Le formulaire est disponible sur l’Espace Presse.

Oui, Le Forum dispose d’un vestiaire gratuit. Les bagages y sont également acceptés

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The entire exhibition center meets the standards of access for people with reduced mobility (PMR).
It is also possible to benefit from a specific parking access upon presentation of the disability card.

The Forum will open its doors on December 8 and 9, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday

Access to the EnerGaïa Forum is reserved to professionals. The badge is free of charge, but it is mandatory.

You wish to request an accreditation for the EnerGaïa Forum:
The form is available on the Press Area.

Yes, the Forum has a free checkroom. Luggage is also accepted