Energaïa, the renewable energy forum
next edition december 10 & 11, 2025

Le Forum 100% EnR – Parc des Expositions de Montpellier – France

The 100% renewable energies trade show

The EnerGaïa Forum, supported by the Occitanie Regionoffers leading environmental solutions for territories, cities and industries committed to the energy transition. The 18th edition of the Forum, held on December 11 and 12, 2024 at the Parc des Expositions in Montpellier, welcomed nearly 22,000 participants. A record attendance, up 32%, in line with the increase in the number of exhibitors, which has more than doubled in the last three years, and which confirms the remarkable dynamic of the players in the energy transition.

THE conference replay is now available!

To see or review the conferences that marked this 2024 edition, click here!

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The winners of the 2024 Innovation Awards

2024 exhibitors

An eco-responsible event

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Vous pouvez nous contacter via les formulaires de contacts suivants :


L’intégralité du Parc des Expositions répond aux normes d’accès pour les personnes à mobilités réduites (PMR).
Il est également possible de bénéficier d’un accès parking spécifique sur présentation de la carte d’invalidité.

Le Forum ouvrira ses portes les 8 et 9 décembre 2021, de 9h à 18 le mercredi et de 9h à 17h le jeudi

L’accès au Forum EnerGaïa est réservé aux professionnels. Gratuit, le badge est néanmoins obligatoire.

Vous souhaitez demander une accréditation pour le Forum EnerGaïa :
Le formulaire est disponible sur l’Espace Presse.

Oui, Le Forum dispose d’un vestiaire gratuit. Les bagages y sont également acceptés

Need help?


Do you have any questions?
You can contact us via the following contact forms:


The entire exhibition center meets the standards of access for people with reduced mobility (PMR).
It is also possible to benefit from a specific parking access upon presentation of the disability card.

The Forum will open its doors on December 8 and 9, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday

Access to the EnerGaïa Forum is reserved to professionals. The badge is free of charge, but it is mandatory.

You wish to request an accreditation for the EnerGaïa Forum:
The form is available on the Press Area.

Yes, the Forum has a free checkroom. Luggage is also accepted